Pure USB3.0

Here take TUSB546(DFP),TUSB564(UFP) as an example :

Examples of the former use, such as laptops, and the latter examples of use is Monitor. As follows, the devices at both ends switch the data link depending on the direction of insertion. Photo X plug-in connection is CC1, so TUSB564 switches to TX1/RX1. 

Photo below plug-in connection is CC2, so the TUSB564 switches to TX2/RX2, which is to identify the insertion direction according to the CC pin insertion :

USB3.1 and 2 LANE of DisplayPort

Switching principle as above, please pay attention that the DP signal is transmitted by using SBUx

Pure DP Model 4 lane 

Question: How do You determine whether it’s DP 4 lane mode or DP 2 lane plus USB 3.0 mode? Through the CC pin, communicate, negotiate, PD Controler to initiate requests and get a response using the PD protocol .